


Admisssion / Mailing Address

 Contact Office Admission Section, Office of Acadmic Affairs, Tunghai University
Address No.1727, Sec. 4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun Dist., Taichung, Taiwan 40704
TEL +886-4-2359-8900
Remarks 1.
Any application packet with incomplete documents will be deemed disqualified. The applicant must assume full responsibility for a disqualified application.
The applicant will not be able to make a change to the department/ institute to which they originally applied for admission after they have submitted their application form online. 
When submitting application packets to more than one department/ institute of THU, the applicant needs to separate their application documents into two different packets and attach individual application cover sheets to the envelope of each packet that represents the two different departments/ institutes to which the applicant intends to apply. However, the two application packets can be submitted at the same time in a single mailing or delivery package.
Applicants must print out the application cover sheet provided online and attach it to the front of the envelope that contains their application packet whether they submit their application packets in person or by mail.
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