



「臺灣獎助學金」整合中華民國政府5 個部會及所屬機構提供的8 個獎助學金, 共分三大類: 華語文獎學金、學位獎學金及學人獎助金; 每年共獎助約1 , 2 0 0 個名額, 讓世界各地的專家學者、大學部及研究所學生到臺灣進行高級學術研究、留學和學習華語。

Taiwan Fellowships and Scholarships 
About TAFS
The TAFS comprises 9 awards in 3 categories : Fellowships, Huayu (Mandarin) Enrichment Scholarships, and Scholarships for Degree. Approximately 1,250 grants are provided annually for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers across the world to study or to conduct advanced research in Taiwan.

Huayu(Mandarin)Enrichment Scholarships
Scholarships for Degree
Fellowships for Research
教育部菁英來臺留學辦公室Elite Study in Taiwan 

Esit Scholarship Information
The ESIT consortium universities provide many scholarship opportunities and high quality English-instructed programs to international students. Further information about the scholarship opportunities, as follows:http://www.esit.org.tw/esit.scholarship.information
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